Calamagrostis brachytricha
Diamond grass blooms in autumn and is wonderfully beautiful when drops of dew or hoarfrost fall on the spikes; you can imagine where the Dutch name comes from.

Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘niger
Interior decorators often fall in love with this black grass, also known as snakebeard. You can use it to decorate flower boxes or to fill planting boxes in an aesthetic way.

Imperata cylindirica ‘red baron
Have you ever seen this Japanese blood grass catch sunlight in late summer? The red culms light up beautifully. Japanese blood grass is at its best when planted in a wide strip running diagonally through the garden, for example along a lawn!

Calamagrostis brachytricha Diamond grass blooms in autumn and is wonderfully beautiful when drops of dew or hoarfrost fall on the spikes; you can imagine where the Dutch name comes from. Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘niger Interior decorators often fall in love with this black grass, also known as snakebeard. You can use it to decorate flower boxes…

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